Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development


Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development program is one of the rarest specializations in the Arab world, if not globally. This concept, which emerged around the year 2000, focuses on establishing a structured plan for public, private, and civil society institutions to engage in ethical commitments to the community. This commitment translates into participating in a wide range of community activities, such as fighting poverty, improving healthcare services, preventing pollution, creating job opportunities, addressing housing and transportation issues, and more all leading to sustainable community development. In the context of the Palestinian society, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development is a relatively new concept, and its application within institutions requires legal frameworks, organizing, and regulation to establish a systematic approach to social responsibility activities. Achieving this goal necessitates the concerted efforts of academic and local institutions and the introduction of specialized programs in this field.

The program is expected to broaden and deepen the understanding of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development theories and concepts at global, regional, and local levels. It will develop analytical and critical abilities in evaluating Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development programs and their relationship to sustainable community development, preparing and qualifying specialized professionals to enhance institutional performance and assume leadership roles in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development - related fields.

Program Objectives

The aims to graduate specialists in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development who are capable of working in various types of institutions and companies. These graduates will contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, including justice, equality, and optimal management of resources, thereby driving profitability for companies, caring for the environment in which they operate, and making a positive social impact.

Specific objectives of the program
  1. Provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge, values, and skills related to Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.
  2. Instill the concepts of social responsibility and sustainable development through their practice in institutions and companies.
  3. Develop the leadership and professional personality of graduates.
  4. Supply institutions and companies with specialized professionals in Social Responsibility and sustainable development and social development.
  5. Promote the establishment of a high-level technical body for social responsibility and sustainable development from a developmental perspective.
  6. Equip graduates with research skills in social responsibility and sustainable development.
  7. Form advocacy groups that contribute to development by promoting local products and addressing environmental and economic issues.
Graduates Career Opportunities

This program will help graduates obtain job by refining and developing their professional and social skills, preparing them to work in international, regional, and local NGOs and institutions, particularly in the fields of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. Notably, large corporations are increasingly establishing Social Responsibility departments and divisions, creating a demand for specialists in this field.