Sharia Judiciary and Politics


The Bachelor’s degree program in Sharia Judiciary and Politics was developed in response to the community’s everyday needs for Sharia judiciary services. This need sprang as an aftermath of the boom in population, the spread of various crimes, such as assault and battery against the person, honor-based violence and money-based crimes, and the increase in divorce cases. Hence, there was an urgent need to graduate judges, lawyers, and Sharia judiciaries capable of granting these vital services to help reduce crime and promote reform for individuals and society.

This program conglomerates judiciary in Islamic law and Sharia politics in order to prepare students in the provisions of Islamic jurisprudence and politics. The program aims at guiding students to become more involved in Islam’s spirit by shaping their own values, deepening their awareness, adhering to the provisions of the true Sharia, focusing their conscience and commitment abilities through a deeper understanding of Sharia’s values and provisions regarding the judiciary system and the politics involved. The program seeks to qualify students with the needed behavioral and practical skills to achieve prompt political awareness and understand the pillars of Saria politics in Islam. In addition, the program contributes to the provision of legal and judiciary cadres capable of working in the judiciary system and state institutions. The program also helps form a good citizen and instills the values of justice and good citizenship through students’ active contribution in finding appropriate solutions to social problems in societies in general and Palestinian society in particular.


Preparing qualified workforce from specialists in the field of Sharia judiciary and politics capable in theory and practice of employing it to serve the Palestinian society under the supervision of qualified faculty members. Qualifying students to bear the responsibility of working in the field of Sharia judiciary, handling litigations, spreading the jurisprudence of Sharia politics in the Islamic societies, and enabling students to confront contemporary problems in the legal, governance, and legislation areas.

Program Objectives:

The Bachelor’s program in Saria Judiciary and Politics seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Preparing qualified cadres to assume judiciary tasks in the Sharia department with competence, experience, and knowledge of judiciary sciences.
  2. Qualifying cadres to work in the Sharia judiciary and public prosecution, according to the needs of the two sectors.
  3. Providing the legal sector, in the Sharia department, with academically qualified cadres who understand the sciences of Sharia judiciary and the laws in force in the courts.
  4. Qualifying cadres to work in the diplomatic, consular and governmental corps.
  5. Providing state agencies and institutions with qualified cadres to take over the work of legal and governmental departments related to the Sharia field.
  6. Providing the government sector and the private sector with experts in the field of Sharia judiciary and Islamic management.
  7. Qualifying cadres to work in the government sector in the various ministries, the Consultative Assembly, the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, or the private sector, whether in major companies, banks, or law firms.

Graduates’ Fields of Work

Graduates of the program can work in the following areas:

  1. A Sharia judge in Sharia courts and the Sharia department of the legal field.
  2. Sharia and legal consultations in public and private sector institutions.
  3. Teaching in public and private educational institutions.
  4. Jobs related to the diplomatic, consular and government corps.
  5. An Imam and orator in the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, and other.
  6. Preparing graduates to work in Sharia legal consultation, whether in the government sector, the various ministries, Consultative Assembly, the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, or in the private sector, whether in major companies, banks, or law firms.
  7. Qualifying the sectors to assume the tasks of counseling, family conciliation, and that of legal marriage officials.