Contact us

University Headquarters - Ramallah, Al-Ersal:
Tel: 00 970 2 2964571/2/3/4
Fax: 00 970 2 2964570
E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President of Gaza Strip Affairs:
Tel: 08-2641701 , 08-2641702 , 08-2624246
Fax: 08-2624502
E-mail: [email protected]

Amman Office:
Tel: 00 962 65522561
Fax: 00 96265513460
E-mail: [email protected]

Public & International Relations & Media:
Tel: 00 970 2 2964571 - Ext, 224
Fax: 00 970 2 2951623
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Deanship of Scientific Research:
Tel: 00 970 2 2976240
Fax: 00 970 2 2421234
E-mail: [email protected]

Deanship of Student Affairs:
Tel: 00 970 2 426167
Fax: 00 970 2 2426168
E-mail: [email protected]

Deanship of Admission, Registration and Examinations:
Tel: 00 970 2 2411161 , 00 970 2 2411162
Fax: 00 970 2 2411163
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

Deanship of Graduate Studies:
Tel: 00 970 2 2424813 , 00 970 2 2976240
Fax: 00 970 2 2963738
E-mail: [email protected]


Faculty of Technology and Applied Sciences:
Tel: 00 970 2 2423160 ، Ext. 133
Fax: 00 970 2 2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Social and Family Development:
Tel: 00 970 2 2423160
،Ext. 126 Fax: 00 970 2 2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences:
Tel: 02-2424812 , 02-2423160 , 02-2428792
Fax: 02-2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Graduate Studies:
Tel: 00970 2 2976240
Fax: 02-2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Educational Sciences:
Tel: 02-2424812 , 02-2423160 , 02-2428793
Fax: 02-2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Agriculture:
Tel: 02-2428793 , 02-2423160
Fax: 02-2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Media:
Tel: 00 970 2 2976240
Fax: 00 970 2 2976241
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Arts:
Tel: 02-2424812 , 02-2423160 , 02-2428793
Fax: 02-2404813
E-mail: [email protected]

University Branches

Jerusalem Branch:

Bethlahem Branch:

Hebron Branch:

Dora Branch:

Yatta Branch:

Jericho Branch:

Ramallah Al-Bireh Branch:

Salfeet Branch:

Qalqilia Branch:

Nablus Branch:

Tubas Branch:

Tulkarm Branch:

Jenin Branch:

North Gaza Branch:

Gaza Branch:

Alwusta Branch:

Rafah Branch:

Khan Yunis Branch:

University Centers

Information & Communication Technology Center (ICTC):
Tel: 00 970 22964571/2/3/4
Fax: 00 970 22964995
E-mail: [email protected]

Center of Digital Learning:
Tel: 00 970 2 2964571/2/3/4
E-mail: [email protected]

Continuing Education and Community Service Center (CEC):
Tel: 00 970 2 2964574/2964571
Fax: 02-2950380
E-mail: [email protected]

Future Studies & Survey Center:
Tel: 0097022976240 , 0097022956073
Fax: 0097022963738
E-mail: [email protected]

Agriculture Research Center:
Tel: 02-2428793
Jawwal: 0592921172
Fax: 02-2424813
E-mail: [email protected]

QOU Departments

Public & International Relations & Media Department:
Tel: 00 970 2 2964571 - Ext, 153
Fax: 00 970 22951623
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Human Resources Department:
Al-Sheikh Jarrah - Tel: +970 2 5816951 , Fax: +970 2 5816734
Al-Bireh - Tel: +970 2 2429845 , Fax: +970 2 2424205
E-mail: [email protected]

Planning and Quality Department:
Tel: +970 2 2423160 , +970 2 2429861
Fax: +970 2 2421748
E-mail: [email protected]

Engineering and Construction Unit:
Tel: +970 2 2429862/1, +970 2 2423158
Fax: +970 2 2426077
E-mail: [email protected]

Purchasing and Procurement Department:
Tel: +970 2 5817237, +970 2 5816239
Fax: +970 2 5822716
E-mail: [email protected]

Department for Curricula and Textbooks:
Tel: +970 2 5817237, +970 2 5816239
Fax: +970 2 5326697
E-mail: [email protected]

Library department:
Tel: +970 2 2423160
Fax: +970 2 2424813
E-mail: [email protected]