The Bachelor degree in Creative Learning and Educational Technology is one of the specializations provided by the Faculty of Educational Sciences, and is the first of its kind at the level of Palestinian universities. The Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission of Higher Education Institutions (AQAC) adopted the Creative Learning and Educational Technology BA program at the beginning of the academic year of 2017/2018. This came in response to the needs of the Palestinian and Arab labor market, with the increasing attention to the employment of technology in education, the pioneering transformations in education, learning resources and educational design.
Fields of Work for Graduates:
In view of the current educational developments and trends, which Learning Resources and Learning Technology specialization takes into account, as well as the experiences and skills acquired by students due to its theoretical and applied aspects, this specialization enables graduates to serve as:
- Specialists for Creative Learning and Educational Technology at educational institutions.
- Specialist of digital and regular educational sources at technical centers at educational institutions.
- Designers for regular and digital textbooks such as working at the Palestinian curriculum center, training centers and various educational institutions or establishing own work such as: a center for the design of regular and digital educational materials.
Overall Objectives:
This specialization aims at preparing specialized and qualified cadres in the field of Creative Learning and Educational Technology, i.e. designers of digital and regular books at schools and educational institutions, possessing professional competencies, and the competencies for the continuous development to serve schools and the local community.
- Educational and vocational preparation in regular and digital learning.
- Developing the role of technological specialists within the schoolwork team.
- Providing training on the management of digital and regular learning resources’ libraries and centers.
- Developing spaces for technical and vocational practices at schools and learning institutions.
- Providing training on utilizing modern applications in the field of learning resources.
- Providing training on the design and implementation of regular and digital learning sources.
- Gaining the ability to solve some of the common problems in the school community that are due to lack of resources.
- Acquiring the required qualifications for practicing the profession of technology specialist.
- Developing learning strategies for the technological and vocational fields.
- Providing entry points for the integration of technology and vocational fields with basic subjects.