Education Technology and e-Learning


The Education Technology and e-Learning program is designed to meet the urgent needs of individuals and institutions in Palestine -including the education, technical and community centers- for professionals competent in the field of education technology and e-learning by adopting the latest education theories in the education technology and e-learning field.

Candidates are admitted to the program after meeting the required criteria. In addition, students must pass 36 credit hours to earn a master’s degree in Education Technology and e-Learning.


Preparing distinguished and professional graduates in the field of education technology and e-learning capable of enhancing the scientific, education, professional and technical competencies. In addition to developing the systems of education and community institutions systems by employing the latest techniques and best educational and technology practices to keep pace with the current century’s cognitive and technological developments.


This program aims to develop professional and specialized graduates in the education technology and e-learning field to contribute to the process of planning, designing, and developing effective learning environments supported by technology in the Palestinian education institutions through adopting the latest education strategies in the education technology and e-learning field.

These objectives can be achieved through:

  1. Enhancing the graduates’ scientific research skills and helping them develop research plans and reports in the education technology and e-learning field.
  2. Training the students on the process of designing, enhancing, and applying education programs using education technology and e-learning strategies.
  3. Providing the students with skills to analyze the current situation and future of education technology and e-learning.
  4. Strengthening the students’ capabilities to identify and evaluate the quality of education techniques and employ them in the educational environments.
  5. Developing education strategies for professional and technological fields.
  6. Providing technical practice spaces at schools and education institutions.
Program Graduates’ Work Areas

The program aims to graduate specialized and professional academic individuals in the education technology and e-learning field to work in education and technical institutions. The following are the most important job opportunities for the program’s graduates:

  1. Specialized employees in education technology and e-learning in education institutions and relevant institutions and centers.
  2. Educational initiative capable of launching and leading technology education initiatives to achieve their objectives.
  3. Electronic education content and interactive education materials developers.
  4. Educational designers consider the educational strategies and latest electronic educational techniques.
  5. Teaching members or administrators in institutes, colleges and universities in the field of specialization.
  6. Freelancers or teleworkers.
Admission Requirements
  1. Candidates applying to the master’s program are admitted if they have one of the following qualifications:
    • A bachelor’s degree in Educational Resources and Education Technology, Education Technology or any other specialization in Educational Sciences from al-Quds Open University or any other recognized university. Moreover, the candidates must credit a minimum C average cumulative GPA (good).
    • A bachelor’s degree in Education, Social, and Technology Sciences. Other specializations may be considered with the approval of the relevant committees.
  2. Candidates must pass a personal interview successfully according to criteria determined by the program committee.
  3. Candidates must adhere to the instructions for awarding a master’s degree in the Faculty.
Study Plans

Courses for Master's Degree in Education Technology and E-Learning Specialization

To obtain a MA degree in Education Technology and E-Learning Specialization ، the student must successfully complete ( 36 ) credit hours distributed as follows:

Courses Description

Description of Courses for the Master in Education Technology and e-Learning Program:

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course provides students with the necessary knowledge of e-learning quality standards in terms of quality of inputs such as: teacher and learner skills, educational content, educational activities, and quality of operations such as: interactions, teaching processes, communication processes, communication, education management processes, evaluation processes, and the quality of outputs, in terms of the extent to which objectives are achieved and experiences are gained.

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 2, Practical: 1)


This course addresses the use of smartphones and their applications in the education process and the ability to design and develop interactive education applications and programs with the increased use of mobile phones and the emergence of virtual reality and augmented reality technology to create an interactive and more perceptive learning environment by learners.

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 2, Practical: 1)

Prerequisite: 0/6680

The course provides students with the knowledge and skills related to educational multimedia technologies and their innovations and how to employ them in the service of the educational process through identifying their importance, foundations, tools, methods, skills and standards for their design and production. The course offers discussions of some research and studies related to educational digital multimedia technologies, and preparing educational software demonstrating the effectiveness of educational multimedia technology

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 2, Practical: 1)


This course introduces the students to Open Education Resources (OER) concept, types, principles, significance, challenges, and some open education resources initiatives and recommendations to reinforce in the education process. Moreover, this course provides the students with the skills necessary to search, redesign these resources, and present their content to meet learners?€™ needs by producing integrated intelligent learning scenarios that effectively employ open education resources

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course focuses on providing the student with the knowledge and skills concerning the most important developments in the field of virtual education theories and techniques, how to employ them in e-learning, and the most important applications used in this field and how to manage them, such as LMS educational content management systems, virtual learning platforms, virtual labs, augmented reality, augmented Learning, cloud computing, and digital repository

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course deals with the TPACK framework related to content, pedagogy, and technology and its concepts. TPACK is addressed through the following topics: The novel educational competencies in light of the digital age, pedagogy, knowledge, knowledge frameworks in the digital age, pedagogy and technology (TPACK), its components, main outcomes it achieves for teachers, the use of the TPACK framework. In addition, the course highlights the competencies and characteristics of the contemporary .innovative teacher, and his/her most important contemporary roles

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course focuses on the types of evaluation: Pre-, formative, and summative evaluation, e-learning evaluation requirements, methods and tools such as observing evaluation, electronic achievement files, self-evaluation, questionnaires, all kinds of tests, and their specifications in terms of honesty, reliability, applicability, and analysis of exams results.

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 0, Practical: 3)

Prerequisite: 0/6698

This is the second step for writing a master thesis. In this step, the student writes a thesis on a topic related to his/her specialization under the supervision of a specialized professor. After finishing the thesis, it is subjected to a defense in front of a committee.

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


This course addresses education technology and e-learning concepts, significance, characteristics, determinants and constraints, application patterns, e-learning environments, programs, challenges, and roles of both teachers and learners.

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course is concerned with providing the student with the methodology, skills and techniques necessary to design interactive e-learning courses that meet the needs of learners in e-learning and blended learning environments. It also tackles the main principles of instructional design in a practical way, the design of educational web pages, and the most important models of instructional design used in creating e-learning courses

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course deals with the rules of ethical and professional conduct for e-learning, their importance, and their role in promoting and advancing the e-learning process. It includes the ethical aspect related to communication and outreach through the e-learning environment among educational family members, and the other aspect related to teaching ethics and intellectual property of the educational content

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 0, Practical: 3)


This is the first step of the two required steps to complete the master thesis. In this step, the students is required to prepare a research proposal that would be later presented to the master program committee, in order to examine the content of the proposal. The committee then presents its notes and comments to the student. Later on, the supervisor and the student have regular one on one meetings in order to supervise the process of writing a thesis

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)

Prerequisite: 0/6162

The course provides students with resources to investigate and identify research problems, provide them with research skills, and ways to review the available literature and its sources in Arabic and English in their field of specialization. The course also aims to assist students in designing a research plan that is .methodologically and scientifically appropriate for research topics

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


This course aims to enhance the students?€™ skills in scientific research and provide them with methodological research foundations, methods and strategies used to conduct research in education and psychology. Moreover, this course introduces the statistical methods to analyze and utilize data in educational research and studies.

Credit Hours: 3 (Theoretical: 3, Practical: 0)


The course deals with the main concepts of information security, network security practices and requirements, and system security issues such as symmetric and asymmetric encryption, infrastructure and general management, authentication systems, IP security, web security, access control, techniques for identifying vulnerable target systems and malicious code types. This is in order to mitigate security risks to identify attack patterns on information security, security policy, cryptography and its application to network security, security threats to networks, application of encryption, secret-key and public-key encryption algorithms, hash functions, proof of authenticity, email security, firewalls (computing) and intrusion detection techniques, and building secure channels.