Amid the extraordinary circumstances facing Gaza, with war, destruction, displacement, and resource shortages, a group of creative students from Al-Quds Open University has proven their ability to engage with the latest global technological innovations. The team, named Crazy Geniuses, decided to participate in the Tech Forward competition, funded by the Global Innovations Network. This competition aims to accelerate the development and implementation of technological solutions that address key global challenges such as climate change, health, education.
the team members presented their innovative project under the name "Mirror of Tomorrow," which aims to redefine the online shopping experience using virtual reality technologies. This project provides users with a virtual simulation of trying on clothes, helping them determine how the garments will look on them before making a purchase decision.
The team didn't stop at this innovation; they further developed the project to include a smart mobile app that uses artificial intelligence for image processing. The app accurately captures the user's body shape and then presents clothes that match their size and personal style, offering a comfortable and personalized virtual shopping experience.
This effort resulted in the team winning second place in the competition, which enabled them to receive a $5,000 cash prize to support and bring their project to life. This award represents more than just financial backing; it serves as a testament to the team's ability to innovate and excel in a challenging environment.