Al-Quds Open University

Letter from Palestinian Universities to Students and Academics in Gaza Solidarity Encampments in US academic institutions

Published on: 13-05-2024


In a moment of great darkness, your protests erupt and give hope for humanity that justice is not an abstract concept but a continuous struggle that connects us all. Your values are emancipating the university from structural racism and complicity with power and colonialism.


The situation in Palestine has reached increased genocidal levels, marked by the mass targeting of Palestinian life by killing and displacement; the destroying of social, cultural, and all educational institutions; and the aim to reduce Palestinians to bare life with no political and collective future.

You are leaders in the call for justice with your bodies on your university campuses and in the streets, speaking truth and justice loud and clear. You stand for the courage that is needed to take action strongly for justice and freedom and determinedly against systems of genocide and racism. We know the risks you are taking in face of the repressive measures that are taken against university spaces built on challenging the powers benefitting from silence.

At a time when the voices of the oppressed are intentionally silenced, your solidarity serves as a beacon of hope. Your actions are a resounding message that injustice and oppression will not be tolerated

We draw inspiration from the courage of those who refuse and resist the continuing injustices of settler colonialism and military occupation. We welcome you at our universities in a liberated Palestine.


Together for Justice


Presidents of Palestinian Universities:

Prof. Omar Melad - President of Al-Azhar University of Gaza

Prof. Kamalian Shaath - President of Islamic University of Gaza

Prof. Hassan Abu Jarad - President of Gaza University

Prof. Ayman Soboh - President of Al-Aqsa University

Prof. Mustafa Abusafa - President of Palestine Polytechnic University

Prof. Samir Najdi - President of Al-Quds Open University

Prof. Abdel Khaleq Alfaraa - President of Al-Israa University

Prof. Jaber Alda'or - President of University of Palestine

Prof. Abdelnaser Zaid - President of An-Najah National University

Prof. Talal Shahwan - President of Birzeit University

Prof. Raghad Dwiek - President of Hebron University

Prof. Imad Abu Kishek - President of Al-Quds University

Prof. Ali Abuzuhri - President of Arab American University

Prof. Iyad Twal - President of Bethlehem University

Prof. Husein Shanak - President of Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie

Prof. Nour Aldeen Abu Aroub - President of University of Al Istiklal

Prof. Imad Alzeer - President of Palestine Ahliya University

Prof. Dawod Zataree - President of Al-Zaytoonah University of Science and Technology

Prof. Mitri Alraheb - President of Dar Al Kalema University 

Prof. Derar Alayan - President of Nablus University for Vocational & Technical Education