Al-Quds Open University, with the partners of the "Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine" project, funded by the European Union within the "Erasmus+" program, held the third administrative meeting hosted by the "Pixel" Foundation in Florence, Italy.
The meeting brought together twelve partners from the University of Crete in Greece, the University of Palermo in Italy, the University of Bragança in Portugal, the Royal Holoway of London, the Pixel Foundation in Italy, the Foundation for Comprehensive Global Education in Ireland, and from Palestine, Al-Quds Open University, Al-Aqsa University, Al-Umma University College, Al-rawda University College, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Development.
Dr. Elisabeth Dunn, inaugurated the meeting welcoming the participants from 12 partner universities, ministries and institutions. She also talked about the third package "Quality" providing some recommendations to improve the work of the project.
The most significant administrative details were presented by Bayan Shobaki, project coordinator at QOU, followed by Dr. Iyad Abu Bakr's presentation of the team's strategy for organizing the closing conference.