Al-Quds Open University

QOU conducts a training workshop in collaboration with UNICEF, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis, and the Ministry of Education to discuss the training guide using STEM

Published on: 27-05-2024

QOU hosted a training workshop for the executive teams of the Ministry of Education, Al-Quds University (Abu Dis), and Al-Quds Open University to promote and implement the "Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics" (STEM) approach, which focuses on the connections between the four disciplines in Palestinian educational institutions. The workshop is part of the UNICEF-funded project "Developing a National STEM Strategy in the State of Palestine." 

The workshop was led and coordinated by the executive team represented by partner institutions, in the presence of the Director General of the National Institute/Ministry of Education, Dr. Suhair Qasim, Director of the Department of Follow-up and Evaluation of Training Programs at the National Institute, Dr. Iman Al-Najjar, and UNICEF education specialist Ms. Laila Daibes, Project Manager Dr. Rashid Jayyousi, Dr. Jihad Abadi represented Al-Quds University - Abu Dis, Dr. Randa Najdi, STEM coordinator and Faculty Member at QOU, Dr. Mahmoud Hawamdeh, Director of the Center for Continuing Education and Community Service, Dr. Aida Bakir the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences at QOU, and Eng. Saida Abu Halawa, Project Coordinator at QOU.

The meeting discussed the training guide for grades one to four (1 to 4) according to the curriculum and learning process that is based on it, which gives students tools and methods to explore new and innovative ways to solve problems, innovate, display data, and link multiple fields of science with each other. On the other hand, disseminating strategies for applying the approach in education curricula and implementing activities to integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, in order to stimulate interest in the approach in educational institutions, especially schools; in order to qualify students with advanced technological skills and enhance their ability to analyze and think critically, given that the student is the target and outcome of the learning and teaching process.

The project emphasizes that achieving quality teaching and learning depends on making learning more interesting and  interactive for the students, so that it achieves the outcome of the social learner who interacts positively and creatively.