Journals of Al-Quds Open Univesity gets the first place at the Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF)

نشر بتاريخ: 13-10-2019

The Journals of Al-Quds Open University got advanced positions in the journal ranking at the national and Arab levels in the Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF) for 2019. The ranking is the following: Al-Quds Open University Journal for Educational and Psychological Researches and Studies was ranked first in the Arab World in the field of psychology within the Arab Citation and Impact Factor (ARCIF) by (0.4227), and was classified in the first category (Q1), while The Journal obtained Impact factor (IF) by 0.98.  The University Journal for Research and Humanities and Social Studies obtained the Arab Citation and Impact Factor (ARCIF) by (0.0966). The Journal was classified within the first category (Q1), and obtained  Impact factor (IF) by 1.2.The Palestinian Journal for Open Education and e-learning obtained the Arab Citation and Impact Factor (ARCIF) by (0.4). The Journal was classified within the first category (Q1), and obtained Impact factor (IF) by  1.73 The University Journal for Research and Administrative and Economic Studies obtained the Arab Citation and Impact Factor (ARCIF) by (0.1429). The Journal was classified within the second category (Q2), and obtained Impact factor (IF) by1.4