Al-Quds Open University wins The International Socrates Award

نشر بتاريخ: 04-04-2017

 On 28th of Mar, 2017, Al-Quds Open University won The International Socrates Award under the title “Best Regional University” for being one of the top and leading universities in the sphere of science and education around the world. Dr. Imad Hodali, the President’s Assistant for International Affairs Received the Award at the International Achievements Forum, which was held by the awarding body, the European Business Assembly (EBA), in London.

EBA also granted Medallion of the Manager of the Year across the region to Prof. Younes Amr, the president of QOU, for his leadership, management skills and achievements, entitling QOU to use the title of “Best Regional University” and “Manager of the Year” for the next five years in its publications and related matters. He also obtained a membership in EBA which entitles him to benefit from exclusive rights to participate in all EBA initiatives and take advantage of VIP services.

The Award is presented under three categories; Leaders of education and universities; Best medical practice; and Best enterprises around the world.

QOU was chosen for its performance, effectiveness, vision and leadership, innovation, creativity, professionalism, exceptional managerial skills, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility for the year 2016.  

 EBA analyses the relevant institutions’ information from the previous year and honours the prominent regional companies and CEOs who have demonstrated success on a regional level. Research is based on data collected from national and international certification bodies, regional and national associations, congresses, forums, exhibitions, industry and regional media.

 Similar awards were presented to other universities such as ABMS Open University of Switzerland, National Open University and Distance of Colombia, Benemerita National Autonomous University of Mexico, Artvin Coruh University, Jordan Academy for Maritime Studies, Yamani Institute of Technology, and other universities situated in Malaysia, Jamaica, Pakistan, and South Africa.

On the occasion of receiving the award, Prof. Younes Amr, the President of QOU, commented that QOU is becoming a leading university nationwide and across the region, obtaining a number of prestigious international awards such as the BID Quality Award in 2015 and Alecso Apps Award in 2016. He added that obtaining the International Socrates Award distinguishes the University even furtherer along with its alumni.  He also mentioned that QOU has several international accreditations and it’s a member in a number of international and regional institutions and bodies, all of which contributes to the success of education in Palestine.

Prof. Amr later explained how in spite of the political situation in the Middle East, especially in Palestine, Al-Quds Open University has proven itself to be one of the most outstanding academic institution in the region, providing solid academic opportunities to thousands of students who would normally do not have an access to a high quality education. 

He later expressed the gratitude of the University for receiving the Award which is a mark of success. He also added that the University has made lots of achievements along the years and it’s one of the top educational institutions in the Middle East in the field of open learning and blended learning.

 Dr. Imad Hodali received the award on behalf of the University in the ceremony, during which he made a speech thanking the Socrates Nomination Committee for selecting QOU and stated that “This prestigious award is symbolic of some of the great achievements and successes of Al-Quds Open University and it places Al-Quds Open University among the ranks of some of the other major universities in the world”. He promised that Al-Quds Open University represented by its academics, staff and students will cherish this outstanding award for many years to come and affirmed that the University will always seek advancement and success in education. 

Following Dr. Hodali return to QOU, he stated that the University was selected and nominated by the Socrates Nomination Committee to be among the final candidates for the Award. He stated that winning institutions must have certain criteria to obtain the Award such as, efficiency, leadership, strategic planning, social responsibility, innovation and creativity, exceptional management skills, work ethics, quality of services and the manager’s adoption of best management practices.

Dr. Hodali added that the ceremony was held in London at the Institute of Directors where an eight-minute informative video about the University has been screened some of the greatest achievements and successes of QOU and demonstrating the reasons behind the University obtaining a place among the best universities in the region. He further explained that QOU’s vision is to offer education to all sectors of the society, especially marginalized sectors. He also mentioned that the University has become one of the biggest universities nationwide and it’s a member in many international and regional entities and institutions. It also has one of the most qualified administrative and academic staff across the region.

The Europe Business Assembly (EBA) is an independent corporation of economic, social and humanitarian collaboration, founded in Oxford, UK in 2000. It’s an interactive platform for adapting European economic programs to the standards of living in dynamically developing regions. It follows the directives of the European Union and EU programmes “Good-neighbourliness” and “Eastern partnership”. 

EBA systematically holds global specialized forums, conferences and business meetings and efficiently uses other information resources. It uses this information to form a world register of efficient leading companies and regions for attractive investment. Business structures and dynamically developing regions are selected according to statistical data, recommendations of analytical, sociological, informational, advertising, rating and PR- agencies. The winners of international and national contests of professional achievements receive further consulting, marketing and legal support from the leading firms of Europe.