Adding/Withdrawing and prerequisite for the Master degree
- Students are allowed to withdraw courses, and add new ones during the first two weeks of the semester, and during the first week of the summer session without recording the withdrawn courses in his/her academic record.
- Students are allowed to withdraw from one or more courses during the first twelve weeks of the first or second semester, and during the first six weeks of the summer course, if approved by the student academic advisor and after informing the instructor and the Dean of Admissions and Examinations, A mark of “W” will appear on the student’s transcript.
- The resulted number of registered credit hours after the drop or withdraw should not be less than (6) credit hours.
- Students who need to withdraw the semester must fill a special application form.
- The student who has exceeded the total number of absences with an excuse that is accepted by the Dean, by (35%) of the course credit hours is considered Withdrawn (W), A mark of “W” will appear on the student’s transcript.
Offers students the service of registration, acceptance electronic records and students’ academic process. Besides, examinations and assignment’s according to the universities’ regulations.
- Admission Policy
- The Admission Process
- Program Tracks
- Study Duration
- Grading scheme for graduate Degree
- Registration Process for Graduate Program
- Adding/Withdrawing and prerequisite
- Temporarily withdrawal of studying
- Program Transfer for master students
- Course work and examinations
- Fees for the Master Degree
- Required documents for the Master Degree
- Application for Master Program
- Contact US