Al-Quds Open University

Al-Quds Open University Team Wins Best Community Responsibility Award

Published on: 20-07-2024


Al-Quds Open University won the "Best Community Responsibility" award at the Palestinian universities level, competing against four Palestinian universities in the 2024 Student Company Competition organized by the "Injaz Palestine" Organization. The competition was held under the patronage of His Excellency Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Amjad Barham and took place at the Ramallah Municipal Theater on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

The student company team "Windows" composed of students from Al-Quds Open University in Tulkarm Branch, won the award by participating in a project that serves children with disabilities.

Prof. Dr. Samir Najdi, President of QOUI, emphasized the importance of the university's participation in such activities that serve community and humanitarian work, which aligns with its national and ethical mission. He noted that the university has consistently strived to achieve this through its active role in promoting community responsibility, making efforts to succeed and enhance its various roles in accordance with local and Arab standards that consider contemporary world needs and future requirements, aiming for societies that promote justice and diversity.

The participating students stated that the project represents the responsibility of the student company (Windows) in recruiting volunteers to serve children with disabilities, including those with autism and learning difficulties, who cannot access appropriate educational services due to marginalization or poverty. They pointed out that this project "is the result of continuous efforts extending over months, thanking Al-Quds Open University, Injaz Palestine, and trainer Maali Diab, representing the company " Mufakker," for providing them the opportunity to participate and leveraging all possibilities to support this project.

It is noteworthy that the competition included 11 projects in the categories of schools and universities from all governorates, covering various fields.