Al-Quds Open University

QOU participates in the thirty-eighth conference of admission and registration officers in Arab Universities

Published on: 06-05-2019

  Al-Quds Open University participated in the thirty-eighth conference of admission and registration university officers in Arab countries, held at Sulaimani Polytechnic University in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

The conference was organized under the theme: "Contemporary trends in admission and registration: reform and development" under the slogan "Serving the students brings us together" .

The conference was attended by 80 universities and academic institutions representing 12 Arab countries.  Al Quds Open University was represented by Prof. Dr. Jamal Ibrahim, Dean of Admission, Registration and Examinations at the University.

The conference came out with a number of resolutions including:

·         Adoption of the bylaws of the organization

·         The need to open channels of communication with the League of Arab States and the Association  of Arab Universities and the possibility of joining the association in order to facilitate the task of joining a larger number of Arab universities

·         Recommending to member universities to include admission and registration issues of students with special needs in their strategic plans

·         Invite member universities to hold continuous sessions and seminars to learn about the latest developments concerning the issues of students with special needs to know the challenges facing Arab universities in this regard.

·         Inviting universities to be flexible in calculating courses in the European System for Basic Units (ECTS) by taking into account learning output when calculating accomplished hours of transfer students.

·         Urge member universities to solve the problem of admission of refugee students and documentation and verification of their certificates, so that there is a period of time allows the student to provide his university degree in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

·          Holding workshops in future conferences to gain a deeper understanding of the European system of similar units and systems.

·         Urging member universities to adopt strategies that make digital transformation the core of their goals.

·         Attention in the methodology of benchmarking and quality assurance to transfer the experiences of universities in the field of digital transformation.

·         To take care of the subject of technology, Disruptive - Technology.

·         Urge member universities to treat students as a center of knowledge and as a partner in the educational process.

·          Invite Arab universities to take the lead in shaping and developing the future of our generations in line with the requirements.

·          Invite the General Secretariat of the Organization to communicate with the relevant institutions and bodies with the supports and registration units to serve them and help them to carry out their work and provide the service to students to the fullest.

·         Keep pace with the requirements of the labor market and benefit from international standards.

·         Emphasize the exemption of Palestinian universities from the membership, as is the case in the Organization and the Federation of Arab Universities.